Town of Massarosa
Filing of common goods on existing municipal area on the Cadastre of 1860 for the purpose of formation of the cognitive framework of the new Master Plan of the Municipality of Massarosa
Year 1997
Town of Massarosa
Completing the filing of common goods throughout the municipality, aimed at the formation of the "cognitive framework" of the Structure Plan of the City of Massarosa
Year 1997
Town of Forte dei Marmi
New nursery project
Role: designer
Year 2004
Town of Forte dei Marmi
Member of the Municipal Commission for the Landscape
Year 2009
Town of Forte dei Marmi
Member of the Municipal Commission for the Landscape
Year 2010
Town of Forte dei Marmi
Member of the Municipal Commission for the Landscape
Year 2011
Town of Forte dei Marmi
Member of the Municipal Commission for the Landscape
Year 2012